The European Directive on Road infrastructure safety management

The European Directive on Road infrastructure safety management has been published on the 19th of November 2008 in the Official Journal of the European Union. You can download this Directive.

This Directive applies itself to the Trans European Road Network (TERN).

This Directive prescribes the elaboration and the implementation of four approaches :

- an assesment of the road safety consequences of an infrastructure project (new road or important modification of the existing network) ;

- road safety audits of infrastrucutre projects from the planing stage to the exploitation stage. In this idea, France has developed the CSPR approach for new roads (Road Project Safety Monitoring) ;

- network safety management for existing network. France has developed the SURE approach for existing roads (User Safety on Existing Roads) ;

- road safety inspections on existing road network. France has developed for 2009 the ISRI approach to inspect the national road network in three years (Road Safety Inspections).

Member States shall ensure that guidelines, if they do not already exist, are adopted by 19 December 2011, in order to support the competent entities in the application of this Directive.

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